miércoles, 5 de noviembre de 2014


Choose the five most essential things from the list:
  • Electricity
  • Fresh water
  • TV
  • Radio
  • Internet
  • Phone
  • Things to read 
  • Things to write and write on
Maria Jose: 
  • Fresh water: because without it we can't live
  • Electricity: because many things need electricity to work
  • Radio: for have fun!
  • Phone: to talk with my family and friends
  • Things to read: I love books!
  • Electricity: to bring light and with electricity many things can work like TV, radio and computers.
  • Fresh water: to drink, to cook and have a shower.
  • Internet: to know about the news, social networks and listen to music.
  • Phone: to talk with my friends and family.
  • Things to read: I can't live without books!

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